“a c e h” is known as a province in Indonesia (. There are different rumors and opinions about the name. Some Acehnese even jokes that ACEH is the abbreviation of Arabic, Chinese, Europe and Hindia. And of course, it cannot be taken as principal in scientific linguistics. What about old alphabetical spell (Atjheh)?
Still there are other histories about naming “aceh”:
Once upon a time, princess from Hindustan had lost and had been looked by her ancestors till they reached Sumatra Island. They arrived in ‘aceh land’ and found the princess. The ancestors then explained to the community who stayed in that island that the princess is their relative. Her brother, leader of the ancestors, reminded them again that the princess is his “aci”. The community replied the princess has good behavior, respective, and they thought she has aristocrat view.
The community then agreed to choose the princess role them as the king. And they were agree to give “aci” as name for that new kingdom. Time by time, “aci” was changed into ‘Acai’ and changed again into ‘aceh’ which mean the beautiful island.
According to Valentijn (1688), Aceh also come from “Acai” a Hindustani terminology, which mean ‘beautiful. This naming was coming from the visitors from India. They were overawed on the panorama in Aceh. They used to call “Acai”, “Acai”.
The following logical story may has possibility: “Aceh may come from name of tree or name of river”
The former community at their old age century usually known as nomadic. They move from one place to another place but not far from the river and also many trees. They know that water is the source of their life. Therefore, long time ago, “aceh” may be taken from a name of the river in this land. As we know there is a river in this area known as “Sungai Aceh” and still may be there is other “pohon Aceh”. This can have possibility that ‘Aceh’ may come from a name of the river and tree. May be, they had been trying to stay near ‘sungai Aceh’ river, build the houses, raising animals, growth the families and then creating a community.
The following names support that story such as name of lhokseumawe (lhok: depth of river water) and ‘seumawe’ semak+awe=rattan, other words such as lhoksukon (lhok: depth of river water and sukon),
In fact, exact meaning and scientific research about the history of naming the area as ACEH are not found yet. Naming based on the history above is only self-story based or exaggeration on story.
But at least man…we have story and what your??
De Crez